Solving Complex Inventory Challenges with Warehouse Management Software

Is your organization ready to digitize your warehouse? We have found a great partner with an outstanding solution to solve complex inventory issues. WithoutWire Inventory Sciences has an easy-to- use mobile interface and software that can be integrated into a Dynamics ERP software. (SL, GP and Business Central).

Companies have realized significant benefits with this solution, including:

20% Labor savings
200% increase in order volume with your current staff
50% reduction in data entry
100% reduction in paper
4-to-6-month ROI payback!

Laboratory and medical supplies are examples of where stock-outs can literally be a case of life or death.

Nurses and lab technicians should never run out of critical hospital and medical supplies to do their job. Gloves, masks, syringes can be critical to their protection and the protection of their patients.

Through WithoutWire enhanced replenishment, lab closets and hospital supply rooms never run out of those critical supplies. Cross-site replenishment was a challenge that WithoutWire had to simplify and solve for our clients. Transfer picks, in-transit and cross-site moves all follow one set of logic within our system. Simple, consistent and predictable flow of goods throughout and beyond the 4 walls of your warehouse!

If you are looking for ways to improve efficiencies in your warehouse, contact us for to schedule a discussion.

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EHTC Digital is a certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner, with over 30 years of experience implementing and supporting Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM applications. Our team of software developers, business analysts and consultants can help you assess software solutions, implement, integrate and customize solutions to meet your objectives.


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Team Member Highlight: Leslie Poot